International Spiritual Teacher Training

30.05. – 05.06.2022
Amritabha, Alsace

Be yourself – serve the worlds with your love. The spiritual teacher training is a unique spiritual journey to immerse yourself deeply in your being and your path, and your task in this world.

Participation by invitation.

Information and booking inquiry:

Alpha Chi Consultant Training

04.09 – 08.09-2022
Amritabha, Alsace

The Path into Light offers you access to that which you always longed to know. It shows you who you are, how to step onto the path to yourself and what your life mission is. You come to find yourself and your truth.

find out more about
the Path into Light

Information and booking inquiry:

Orama Coaching


Online and In Person

Readings about your essence, your wisdom and your potential.

Reading are signposts that offer orientation to bring soul guidance into your life.

Akashic readings, knowledge about your path of incarnations and spiritual consultation to remember yourself.

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You showing up for yourself. Me showing you ways. 

Find answers to your life questions, get to know yourself better, find new ways, that enrich your life. Release trauma, recognise your life purpose and task. Learn to be unconditionally happy.

Book your appointment with me online and receive your consultation via Skype, in Ibiza or in Hamburg. Looking forward to work for you.

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The path into light

A seminar that, like no other, changes your perspective on your own being and life. You recognize the wisdom and the qualities that you have always carried in you. You remember the completeness and magic of life again. A new life begins for you, if you want it to.

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