Living in the fire of Love
Awaken your strength. Remember your knowledge

Five seminars,
and each of them, like the series in a whole, a training itself. Initiations and powerful, one-of-a.kind group- and individual work reconnect you to your wisdom about healing, creation, abundance and money-flow, networks, soulpaths and incarnations, relationships, inner power and peace. You are gifted with tools, that change you, that change your everyday life and the way you work. Living int the fire of love is a seminar series for spiritual awakening and evolving. For hungry beginners as well as for those who are advanced and want to dig deep.
A revelation for
coaches, doctors, psychologists and healers, as well as for everyone, who wants to awaken his power and knowledge, finding answers to make this life a happy and successful one. There is no previous knowledge needed. All seminars can be booked individually or as a package of five. The share a common learncurve, and so the order of the seminar is not coincidently, but still, everyone works individually, and you can step in at any point.
Reading Aura, freeing potential
„Healing in the fire is the original practice of healing, the way we all have once learned to do it. It is healing through creation, healing to go back to our origin. Healing, to gain back what we have lost.“
Stay tuned for a video on the seminar – coming soon.
Profund healing, deep insight into aura- and chakra-healing, techniques to apply with yourself and clients.
A video on the seminar is coming here soon.
Next available Date:
coming soon
Location: coming soon|
Fee: 1800 €
Your questions: ask them here
Leading succesfully from the heart
„The warrior leads, because he has found his heart. He rules to serve. He is silent, because he has found peace of mind.“
A video on the seminar is coming here soon.
Leading powerfully, finding inner strength and clear direction, releasing trauma of war, fight and power from previous incarnations.
Next available Date:
coming soon
Location: coming soon| Fee: 1800 €
Your questions: ask them here
Part 3 – THE SAGE
Thinking, knowing and acting freely
„The sage sees, that love and knowledge spring from the same source. He knows about the timelessness of his soul. He is awake in the here and now, knowing about the connections to the yesterday and tomorrow.“
A video on the seminar is coming here soon.
Free your universal knowledge from boundaries and conditioning. Think and act intuitively, powerful and individually. Strengthen your inner guidance and voice. Activate your knowledge about creation and life and put them into service.
Next available Date:
coming soon
Location: coming soon | Fee: 1800 €
Your questions: ask them here
Reading karma and
the path of the souls
The priest knows about carmic coherences. He guides the beings back home and loves them, to remind them of their own love. He leads, because he knows about his task in creation. He knows, that the inspiration from heaven is, what he needs to experience his truth on earth.
A video on the seminar is coming here soon.
Connect with your spiritual knowledge and experience from other priest incarnations. Recognise carmic coherences in lifepaths and relationships. Read chakras, read in the book of creation and go into dialogue with god.
Next available Date:
coming soon
Ort: coming soon| Fee: 1800 €
Your questions: ask them here
Success through serving, innovation and networks
„The merchant is a priest in his heart, acts like a warrior and has the consciousness of a sage. He searches and finds ways to catch us with his knowledge, his heart and his action. He is a herald of the new times. He finds fulfilment and success in the new, fulfilment in awakening others.“
Take a look at facebook for more Info.
Activate the vibrations of the new times in your body and learn to listen to it. Learn techniques for manifesting, to recognise and initiate flow and to activate your network. Release old wishes to make room for the creation of your vision in the here and now.
Next available Date:
02.- 04. Dec 2021
Location: Amritabha| Fee: 1800 €
Your questions: ask them here