Alpha Chi



Alpha Chi Consulting is holistic advice for all areas of life.

The unique access of this training is the initiation to the level of the eight chakra. This opens a new level of perception for you which enables the moving of energy to create flow in accordance to natural law.

This certified program is a transformative path into the power of your awareness and your individual qualities as spiritual consultant. From the first block on, you are trained to earn your living as a consultant or to level up your current profession with qualties of perception, leadership and compassion.

A new level of awareness and powerful techniques that combine chakra, body and aura work. 

The heart of Alpha Chi Consulting is energetic Feng Shui for body and space, landscape healing, end-of-life care and the release of old structures. Graduates receive a certificate and are qualified by invitation to register for the Spiritual Teacher training in the tradition of Agni. 

The training takes place in three blocks of five days:

1st block planned for 
04. to 08.09.2021

The seminar center Amritabha in Alsace
one hour from Freiburg, two hours from